Meet us on the Mesa! Oct 7-9, 2024, Phoenix, AZ
Four scientists walk into a room…
Farzin Farzaneh, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, ViroCell Biologics is hosting a SCIENCE SLAM on SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY
Oct 8, 11:15am-12:15pm, FLW Ballroom F
Aude Chapuis, MD, Assistant Member, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Narendra Maheshri, PhD, Head of Mammalian Engineering, Ginkgo Bioworks, Inc.
Alec Nielsen, PhD, Synthetic Biologist, Founder & CEO, Asimov
Description: Biology has inspired cell engineering and the development of novel tools that can carry out complex biological tasks. This session will provide an overview of the current state of synthetic biology approaches in the CGT sector and examples of how they will impact the safety and efficacy of advanced therapies in the future.
Alliance for Regenerative Medicine's Meeting on the Mesa, Phoenix, Oct 7-9.
Find John W. Hadden II and the others on the partnering app. Farzin Farzaneh, PhD Traci Kyes Jason William Tang Nicholas Ostrout, PhD
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