From London to Rome to New Orleans, Team ViroCell is on the move! Upcoming 2025 conferences...

The cell and gene therapy landscape is evolving and Team ViroCell is at the forefront of viral vector manufacturing innovation. We’re hitting the road to discuss our solutions for therapy developers.

25-27 February

CAR-TCR Summit Series, Europe, London

18-19 March 

Phacilitate Advanced Therapies UK, London 


15-17 April

Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Meeting on the Med, Rome 


7-10 May 

ISCT, International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy, New Orleans  


Traci Kyes

Makis Sigalas, PhD

Meredith Brown

Elaine Rihn

Let’s talk about how we can accelerate your therapy’s path to the clinic. Book a meeting with us at an event near you or contact us on LinkedIn.


#ViralVectors #LentiviralVectors #RetroviralVectors #GMPManufacturing #CellTherapy #GeneTherapy #AdvancedTherapies #Bioprocessing #BiotechConference #LifeSciences #BiopharmaNetworking

Florence Buchanan